• Commersald - IT
  • Commersald - EN


Multiclad welding machines represent the last development in PTAW and GTAW technology for anti-wear and anti-corrosion cladding.
These welding units are an evolution of the traditional and tested Commersald Impianti plasma welding generators with several NC equipments for PTAW cladding sold in the world: Multiclad machines upgraded the penetration control with a more precise modulation of the pilot gas.


The precise penetration control, impossible to obtain with any other welding process, gives the possibility to act sinergically on all the welding parameters to obtain a low penetration into base metal in every condition; this makes the process extremely flexible, high productive and totally reliable.
The multiclad system brings together some of the most updated cladding technologies that individualyy or combined give us the possibility to purpose the best customized solutions at the lowest price.
